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Energy Efficiency Testing Laboratory for Power Supplies

GTG Group energy efficiency testing laboratory for power supplies equipped with state-of-the-art testing equipment and can perform comprehensive energy efficiency testing.

1. Visit our energy efficiency testing labs in Dongguan, China

GTG Group energy efficiency testing laboratory for power supplies equipped with state-of-the-art testing equipment and can perform comprehensive energy efficiency testing.

2. More about the lab

It’s important to note that the list below is not exhaustive. Wanted to know if your product is within our testing scope? Please 填寫我們的簡短表格,我們的專家將很樂意為您提供進一步幫助。

For Information Technology Equipment (ITE)

  • 電腦;
  • 藥片;
  • 監視器;
  • 路由器;
  • ……

For Audiovisual (AV) Products

  • 相機;
  • 麥克風;
  • 揚聲器;
  • 耳機;
  • DVD Players;
  • MP3 Players;
  • MP4 Players;
  • ……

For Home Appliances

  • External power supplies;
  • ……

For Medical Products

  • External power supplies;
  • ……

For Lighting Products

  • Portable luminaires;
  • Nightlight;
  • Handlamps;
  • ……
  • ErP Level VI;
  • CEC Level VI;
  • DOE Level VI;
  • DLC V5.1;
  • ENERGY STAR® V2.2;
  • GEMS Level VI;
  • MEPS Level VI;
  • China CECP: standards vary for different products;
點擊圖片看更多!如果您有興趣參觀我們的現場實驗室,請 填寫我們的簡短表格,我們很樂意安排酒店和一切!

3. One-stop solution

By working with GTG Group, you will enjoy the convenience of completing all of your tests (EMC, RF, wireless, safety, energy efficiency, environmental, durability, performance, chemical and other tests) and receive certification for your product from a single accredited lab. You will also eliminate the headaches of using multiple labs, delays in logistics, and shipping costs. Contact us today!


我們為測試和認證服務提供有競爭力的價格。我們的團隊隨時可以解答有關合規性測試/認證的任何一般詢問或技術討論。填寫我們的簡短表格,與 GTG 集團專家交談。


不確定哪些標準適用於您的產品?我們來談談吧!我們的專家 7*24 待命。





請致電 0086-18188898539 與我們的團隊聯繫,或填寫下面的簡短表格索取免費報價。

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