As an accredited testing laboratory, we’ve helped thousands of manufacturers complete safety testing for their products and achieve IRAM certification & S mark.

1. IRAM certification

IRAM stands for Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación, which translates to the Argentine Institute of Standardization and Certification, performs conformity assessment and certifications necessary to comply with the country’s regulations.

2. More about IRAM certification

The Argentine government adopted two new resolutions: 197/2004 and 198/2004. Resolution 197/2004 allows manufacturers and importers to choose different certification systems. Resolution 197/2004 applies to the following products: electronic and electrical products, toys, and personal protection equipment (PPE).

  • S-Mark Certification: applies mainly to household and lighting equipment/components (including LED’s), connectors, fuses, circuit breakers and similar devices.
  • S-Type Certification: scheme most commonly utilized for certification of ITE and similar electrical/electronic devices.
  • Lot Approval: most suited to one-time /low volume shipments of electrical/electronic devices.

Resolution 198/2004 has mandatory certification requirements for some electrical and electronic products, while resolution 198/2004 stipulates that the following products are no longer included in the scope of mandatory certification:

  • Products with rated current greater than 63A;
  • Products with rated voltage less than 50V, powered by battery;
  • Products with rated voltage less than 50V, powered by external power supply (including battery).

所需的文件因產品而異。有關特定產品所需的詳細文檔,請 填寫我們的簡短表格, our expert will be glad to assist you further. Below are some of typical required documentation for IRAM certification:

  • Safety test report: CB test report and certificate issued by TÜV Rheinland, or IEC test report in English issued by TÜV Rheinland and national requirements for Argentina.
  • Additional documents: application form, Importer’s authorization, design drawings, specifications, circuit diagrams, product photos, safety warnings printed in Spanish on the nameplate, instruction manual in Spanish, factory inspection report issued by TÜV Rheinland, certificate of compliance of the plug with the Argentine IRAM 2063/2073 standard (if the plug does not comply with the Argentine IRAM standard, the specifications and samples of the plug must be provided additionally).
  • The following requirements must be met:
    • The power supply must have a valid Argentine certification;
    • The product manual must indicate the technical parameters of the adapted power supply or the model of the adapted power supply;
    • The product instructions manual must indicate that the use of non-specified power supply is dangerous.

Below are the general application steps for achieving IRAM certificate. Have questions or not sure where to start? Please 填寫我們的簡短表格,我們的專家將很樂意為您提供進一步的協助。

  • 填寫申請表;
  • Issue a test report according to IEC standards or IRAM standards;
  • Proof of discrepancies meeting Argentina’s national requirements, e.g. discrepancy report;
  • 標籤;
  • Information of importers and exporters;
  • Certificate of trademark registration;
  • Register company name in in public commerce;
  • Signing the rules of procedure;
  • Factory inspection report (once a year).
點擊圖片看更多!如果您有興趣線下參觀我們的實驗室,請 填寫我們的簡短表格,我們很樂意安排酒店和一切!


Initial and subsequent annual factory inspections are required for IRAM S-mark certificate, C1G 023 factory inspection reports are also accepted. Factory inspection is not required for type approval and batch approval.

4. 價格和交貨時間

You will never pay for services that you don’t need! GTG Group provides a customized quote which are tailored to each client's needs and budget. Furthermore, we can expedite the certification process by leveraging modern technologies that ensure you receive the IRAM certification in a reasonably short time frame, faster than the average industry time.

然而,測試和認證的成本和交付時間根據產品的複雜性和測試要求而有所不同。 GTG 集團提供免費諮詢來評估您的需求並提供如何開始合規的建議。今天透過以下方式聯絡我們 填寫我們的簡短表格


GTG集團成立於2012年,是中國獨立的ISO/IEC 17025認可的產品測試和認證服務提供商,為多種產品提供全面的測試和監管認證獲取服務。我們的目標是認證您的產品並確保其符合監管標準,以幫助您進入全球市場。

透過與 GTG 集團合作,您將可以輕鬆完成所有測試(安全性、EMC、RF、無線、能源效率、環境、耐用性、性能、化學和其他測試),並獲得單一認可機構對您的產品的認證。實驗室。您還可以消除使用多個實驗室、物流延誤和運輸成本等令人頭痛的問題。 聯絡我們 今天!

與GTG集團合作最顯著的優勢之一是我們進行真實的測試並對最終用戶負責。這是至關重要的,因為它可以避免風險並讓使用這些產品的企業和個人感到安心。我們與一些世界領先的企業合作,我們的服務受到客戶的高度評價。當您選擇 GTG 集團進行測試和認證時,您可以確信自己正在與值得信賴且可靠的合作夥伴合作。

我們的測試和測試報告得到全球監管機構的認可和接受,確保您的產品符合必要的標準和法規。 GTG集團的子公司獲得了當地和國際認證機構的認可,包括IECEE、UL、A2LA、NVLAP、ITS (Intertek)、KTC、TÜV、Eurofins、CNAS、CMA、CQC。我們的認證證明了我們致力於提供符合行業標準的高品質測試服務。檢查所有認證文件 這一頁


我們的設施有足夠的空間來單獨執行每種類型的測試,並有足夠的空間容納您的所有設備以及周圍充足的工作空間。 GTG集團檢測面積達30,000平方米,擁有比同行更多的安全檢測實驗室、EMC檢測實驗室、RF檢測實驗室、無線檢測實驗室、能源效率檢測實驗室、性能檢測實驗室、耐久性檢測實驗室和環境檢測實驗室。



我們知道每種產品都是不同的,成本是產品開發的重要因素。 GTG 集團致力於在不影響品質的情況下提供價格實惠的測試解決方案。我們的專家團隊將與您密切合作,了解您產品的具體需求,設計符合您要求並確保符合監管標準的測試解決方案。這意味著您可以獲得所需的測試,而無需為不需要的服務付費,從而確保我們的客戶始終物有所值。

點擊圖片看更多!如果您有興趣參觀我們的現場實驗室,請 填寫我們的簡短表格,我們很樂意安排酒店和一切!


我們為測試和認證服務提供有競爭力的價格。我們的團隊隨時可以解答有關合規性測試/認證的任何一般詢問或技術討論。填寫我們的簡短表格,與 GTG 集團專家交談。


不確定哪些標準適用於您的產品?我們來談談吧!我們的專家 7*24 待命。





請致電 0086-18188898539 與我們的團隊聯繫,或填寫下面的簡短表格索取免費報價。

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