PSTI Certification

As an accredited testing laboratory, we’ve helped thousands of manufacturers complete cyber security testing for their products and achieve PSTI certification.

1. PSTI certification

In December 2022, the UK government formally passed the "Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022" (PSTI) and it will be enforced from April 29, 2024. The new regulation marks a new era for cybersecurity in the UK, as it mandates the creation of new minimum security requirements that manufacturers, importers, and distributors of consumer connectable products (also called Internet of Things or IoT devices) must comply with.

2. More about PSTI certification

The bill received Royal Assent on 6 December 2022. It entered into force in April 2023 with a 12-month transition period, and became mandatory from 29th April 2024, and manufacturers are obliged to comply with the security requirements described therein or face potential penalties.

The bill consist of three main parts:

  • Part 1: product security;
  • Part 2: telecommunications infrastructure;
  • Part 3: final provisions.

Part 1 of the PSTI Regulation requires manufacturers, distributors, and importers to ensure that products placed on the UK market comply with minimum security requirements aimed at protecting the UK consumer.

It applies to England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

Products that can be connected to a network or internet are under the scope of this regulation. These are the Internet of Things devices, that include, but are not limited to:

  • Smartphones;
  • Smart cameras;
  • Smart TVs;
  • Smart speakers;
  • Connected home appliances like smart refrigerators, smart washing machines;
  • Smart home assistants;
  • Routers;
  • Cameras;
  • Smoke detectors;
  • Connected safety-relevant products such as smoke detectors, windows sensors, and door locks (smart locks);
  • Connected home automation and alarm systems (gateways and hubs);
  • Smart home hubs and assistants;
  • Wearable connected fitness trackers;
  • Outdoor leisure products, such as handheld connected GPS devices that are not wearables;
  • Connected children’s toys and baby monitors;
  • Internet of Things base stations and hubs to which multiple devices connect;

It is also important to know that the following devices are excluded from the UK PSTI Regulations:

  • vehicles;
  • Charge points for electric vehicles;
  • Medical devices (if they fall under the MDR);
  • Smart meter products;
  • Computer products like desktop, laptop and tablet computers (desktop and laptop computers designed for use by children aged 14 and under) which do not have the capability to connect to cellular networks;

Not sure if your product requires PSTI certification? Please fill out our short form, our expert will be glad to assist further.

According to the UK GOV’s publication on PSTI, such as the document “The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (Security Requirements for Relevant Connectable Products) Regulations 2023,” as shown in Schedule 2, PSTI currently assesses products for compliance with three control requirements at this stage:

  1. Prohibition of common default passwords, reference standards: ETSI EN 303 645 provisions 5.1-1 and 5.1-2;
  2. Implementation of vulnerability disclosure management, reference standards: ETSI EN 303 645 provision 5.2-1;
  3. Requirement to maintain transparency for the shortest security update time period, reference standards: ETSI EN 303 645 provision 5.3-13.

ETSI EN 303 645 establishes new global standards for the security of consumer devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), enabling products to withstand serious cybersecurity threats and comply with GDPR requirements, protecting personal data and consumer privacy.

The ETSI EN 303 645 standard for IoT product security and privacy includes the following 13 categories of requirements:

  1. Common default password security;
  2. Vulnerability disclosure management;
  3. Software updates;
  4. Sensitive security parameter storage;
  5. Communication security;
  6. Minimization of attack surface;
  7. Protection of personal data;
  8. Software integrity;
  9. System resilience to interruptions;
  10. Inspection of system telemetry data;
  11. Ease of deletion of personal data by users;
  12. Simplified device installation and maintenance;
  13. Validation of input data.

PSTI Act and ETSI EN 303 645 standard testing processes:

  • Sample data preparation: three sets of samples including main units and accessories, unencrypted software, user manuals/specifications/relevant services, and login accounts;
  • Establishment of test environment: establish a test environment based on the user manual;
  • Execution of network security assessment: document review and technical testing, check vendor questionnaires, and provide feedback;
  • Weakness remediation: provide consulting services to address weakness issues;
  • Issuance of PSTI assessment report or ETSI EN 303 645 assessment report.

3. Price and lead time

You will never pay for services that you don’t need! GTG Group provides a customized quote which are tailored to each client's needs and budget. Furthermore, we can expedite the certification process by leveraging modern technologies that ensure you receive the PSTI certification in a reasonably short time frame, faster than the average industry time.

However, the cost and the lead time of testing and certification varies depending on the product complexity and the testing requirements. GTG Group provides free consultation to assess your needs and provide advice on how to get started with compliance. Contact us today by filling out our short form!

4. FAQs

Does the Statement of Compliance (SoC) have to be a piece of paper that comes in the box with the product? What does “attached” mean? Does the Statement of Compliance (SoC) have to be a piece of paper that comes in the box with the product? What does “attached” mean?

No. It is up to each organization to decide how to comply with the Act based on the requirements of their own products. The Act require that the SoC must be a document, but they do not specify that this document must be paper-based; it can also be in digital form. However, manufacturers must ensure that this document is provided with the product, in whatever form, to ensure that users can access it when they receive the product.

Should Bluetooth be considered as meeting the second connectivity condition?

Section 5 defines the connectivity condition as follows:
‘(5) A product meets the second connectivity condition if –

  • (a) it can connect directly to two or more products simultaneously through a communication protocol that is not part of the Internet Protocol Suite, and
  • (b) it can connect directly to an Internet-connectable product (whether or not it is also connected to any other product) through such a communication protocol.’

Accordingly, a Bluetooth product meets the second connectivity condition if it is capable of connecting to two or more products and is also capable of connecting directly to an Internet-connectable product.

If I only sell connected products for business/professional use, are they exempt from the Act?

If the manufacturer knew or should have known that the product would be used as a UK consumer connected product, then the product falls within the scope of the requirements. This means that whether or not the product is marketed to ‘professionals or merchants’, if the manufacturer knew or should have known that consumers would use the product, then the product needs to comply with the Act. For a manufacturer to be exempt from the Act, they must ensure that the product will not be used by consumers. They must ensure that the product will not be used by consumers, that there is no equivalent product on the market for consumers, and that the product has not been offered to consumers before.

Since retailers as part of the supply chain will be affected by the UK’s PSTI Act, do online consumer retail platforms like eBay, Amazon, Taobao, etc., need to comply with the UK PSIT Act in the following scenarios?

  • a. The relevant products come from distributors and importers who procure from suppliers,
  • b. The relevant products are directly procured by the online consumer retail platform from suppliers.

All relevant parties must comply with the Product Safety and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act of 2022.

5. Why choose us?

Founded in 2012, GTG Group is an independent ISO/IEC 17025 accredited product testing and certification services provider in China, providing comprehensive testing and regulatory certifications obtaining services for a wide range of products. Our goal is to certify your products and ensure their compliance with regulatory standards in order to help you access worldwide markets.

By working with GTG Group, you will enjoy the convenience of completing all of your tests (cyber security, safety, EMC, RF, wireless, energy efficiency, environmental, durability, performance, chemical and other tests) and receive certification for your product from a single accredited lab. You will also eliminate the headaches of using multiple labs, delays in logistics, and shipping costs. Contact us today!

One of the most significant advantages of working with GTG Group is that we perform real test and are responsible for the end user. This is essential because it avoid risks and provides peace of mind to businesses and individuals who use the products. We have worked with some of the world’s leading businesses, and our services are highly regarded by our clients. When you choose the GTG Group for testing and certification, you can be confident that you are working with a trusted and reliable partner.

Our testing and test reports are globally recognized and accepted by regulatory agencies, ensuring that your products meet the necessary standards and regulations. GTG Group’s subsidiaries are accredited by local and international certification bodies that includes IECEE, UL, A2LA, NVLAP, ITS (Intertek), KTC, TÜV, Eurofins, CNAS, CMA, CQC. Our accreditation is a testament to our commitment to providing high-quality testing services that meet industry standards. Check all accreditation documents in this page.

GTG Group accredited laboratory have more than 13 years of experience in IoT products testing for the global market and have helped thousands of businesses achieve PSTI certification. Experts we hired are all with deep industry expertise and extensive technical knowledge that can help you avoid common mistakes.

Furthermore, our facilities are with enough space to perform every type of test separately and have room for all your equipment as well as plenty of workspace around it. GTG Group covers a testing area of 30,000 square meters and have more cyber security testing labs, safety testing labs, EMC testing labs, RF testing labs, energy efficiency testing labs, performance testing labs, durability testing labs and environmental testing labs than our peers. 

Furthemore, our standardized and normalized testing process allows us to deliver accurate and reliable testing results within a short timeframe. That’s why our turnaround time is among the fastest in the industry, ensuring that our clients get their products to the market without any delay.

GTG Group invest heavily in modern testing equipment and have a rigorous quality control process in place to ensure that the testing methods are accurate and reliable. Additionally, the laboratory regularly upgrades its equipment to ensure that it remains at the cutting edge of technology.

We understand that every product is different, and the cost is a significant factor when it comes to product development. GTG Group strive to provide affordable testing solutions without compromising on quality. Our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your product’s specific needs and design testing solutions that meet your requirements and ensures compliance with regulatory standards. This means that you can get the testing you need, without paying for services that you don’t, ensuring that our clients always get the best value for their money.

We can also provide free pre-compliance tesing service to help detect and resolve potential design flaws early in the process to reduce design costs and accelerate market launch. We promise no risk or any obligation!

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View our comprehensive testing scope, standards we cover, and see our full accreditation here.

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GTG Group have helped thousands of organizations access the global markets with international approval over 13 years!

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