1. FCC testing & certification
The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is the independent agency of the United States government that regulates the radiation standards of electronic devices. Nearly all products emitting radio frequency energy must be tested by FCC listed or accredited lab and certified by the FCC for EMC/Telecom compliance.
GTG Group is an accredited laboratory for FCC testing with extensive experience in radio and wireless approvals for the North American market. Working with a laboratory with deep industry expertise and extensive technical knowledge can help you avoid common mistakes that can delay your certification.
2. FCC mark

3. FCC ID, SDoC, and products covered
Applicable to mobile communications equipment and other products capable of radio communication, such as 2G cell phones, 3G cell phones, 3.5G cell phones, DECT cell phones (1.8GHz, 1.9GHz), Bluetooth devices, tablet computer, wireless keyboard, wireless microphones, remote controls, walkie-talkies, and other low powered wireless devices.
Not sure if your product requires FCC ID? Please täytä lyhyt lomake, asiantuntijamme auttaa mielellään lisää.
For general electronic products without wireless function, such as monitors, lamps, power supplies, home appliances…
Not sure if your product requires FCC SDoC? Please täytä lyhyt lomake, asiantuntijamme auttaa mielellään lisää.
It’s important to note that the list above is not exhaustive, and the requirement for FCC certification can vary based on the specific features and capabilities of a device. If a device emits radio frequency radiation or uses wireless technology, it’s advisable for manufacturers or importers to consult with the FCC or a qualified testing laboratory to determine whether FCC certification is necessary for their particular product.
GTG Group’s testing laboratories are FCC-recognized, and our team is always available for any general inquiries, or technical discussions regarding compliance testing/certification. Speak to a GTG Group expert by täyttämällä lyhyt lomake tänään!
4. More about FCC certification
- Conducted Spurious Emissions
- Radiated Spurious Testing
- Conducted Emissions Band Edge Compliance
- Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power
- 20dB Bandwidth, 99% Occupied Bandwidth and Carrier Frequency Separation
- Channel Spacing
- Number of Hop Channels
- Time of Occupancy (Dwell Time)
- Antenna Testing Requirements
- …
- Conducted Emissions (CE)
- Radiated Emissions (RE)
- …
Below is a list of EMC testing standards we’re capable of. And our team is always available for any general inquiries, or technical discussions regarding the following EMC testing standards. Not sure which standard applies to your product? Please täytä lyhyt lomake, asiantuntijamme auttaa mielellään lisää.
North America Standards (United States & Canada):
- General Standards: FCC Part 15B; ICES-003;
- ITE (Information Technology Equipment), Audiovisual (AV) Products: FCC Part 15B;
- Wireless Devices: FCC Part 15C/15E; FCC Part 22/24/27;
- Lighting Products: FCC Part 15B; FCC Part 18; ICES-005;
- Energy Storage Products: FCC Part 15B;
- Household Appliances: FCC Part 15B;
- Industrial, Scientific and Medical Products: FCC Part 18; ICES-001.
CISPR/IEC Standards:
- Yleiset standardit: IEC 61000-6-1; IEC 61000-6-2; IEC 61000-6-3; IEC 61000-6-4;
- ITE, AV Products: CISPR 32; CISPR 35; IEC 61000-3-2; IEC 61000-3-3;
- Valaistustuotteet: CISPR 15; IEC 61547; IEC 61000-3-2; IEC 61000-3-3;
- Kodinkoneet: CISPR 14.1; CISPR 14.2; IEC 61000-3-2; IEC 61000-3-3;
- Teolliset, tieteelliset ja lääketieteelliset tuotteet: CISPR 11; IEC 61000-3-2; IEC 61000-3-3; IEC 61000-4 -sarja.
GTG Group assists clients through every step of the EMC testing process. Täytä lyhyt lomake ja ala hyödyntää syvää alan asiantuntemustamme ja laajaa teknistä osaamistamme nopeuttaaksesi prosessia jo tänään!
Vaaditut asiakirjat vaihtelevat tuotteista riippuen. Yksityiskohtaiset vaaditut asiakirjat tietystä tuotteesta saat täytä lyhyt lomake, our expert will be glad to assist you further. Below are some of typical documentation required for FCC ID and FCC SDoC:
(1) The responsible party (manufacturer or importer) shall test the product in a FCC-approved accredited test lab and obtain a test report.
(2) Fill out the TCB Form 731 according to test results.
(3) In addition to the above, the responsible party is also required to provide relevant documentation and information about product, including:
- Technical document
- Schematics
- Käyttöohje
- FCC confidentiality agreement, authorization letter
- Product nameplate
- …
(1) The responsible party of the product (manufacturer or importer) shall test the product in a testing facility and obtain a test report.
(2) Once the product passed the tests, affix corresponding labels and warnings on the product, and declare in the user manual that it complies with the FCC standard.
(3) Provide U.S. local supplier declaration of conformity documents
GTG Group assists clients through every step of the FCC testing process. Täytä lyhyt lomake ja ala hyödyntää syvää alan asiantuntemustamme ja laajaa teknistä osaamistamme nopeuttaaksesi prosessia jo tänään!
- Yksi kiinteätaajuinen RF-prototyyppi ja yksi tavallinen prototyyppi;
- Kiinteän taajuuden prototyyppi testataan monitaajuuskanavatuotteella;
- If it is a single frequency channel prototype, please provide a continuous emission one.
5. Hinta ja toimitusaika
You will never pay for services that you don’t need! GTG Group provides a customized quote which are tailored to each client's needs and budget. Furthermore, you will receive FCC certification within 1 to 2 weeks according to our past experiences.
Testauksen ja sertifioinnin kustannukset ja läpimenoaika vaihtelevat kuitenkin tuotteen monimutkaisuuden ja testausvaatimusten mukaan. GTG Group tarjoaa ilmaisen konsultoinnin tarpeidesi arvioimiseksi ja neuvojen antamiseksi vaatimustenmukaisuuden aloittamiseen. Ota meihin yhteyttä jo tänään täyttämällä lyhyt lomake!
6. A2LA-akkreditointiasiakirjat
Kun valitset GTG Groupin testaukseen ja sertifiointiin, voit olla varma, että työskentelet luotettavan ja luotettavan kumppanin kanssa.
Our laboratory is accredited by A2LA. This means we're authorized to perform FCC testing and write test reports accordingly. Testing scope we specialize in: information technology (IT) products, audiovisual (AV) products, lighting products, small home appliances, power supplies, electric personal transportation vehicles, batteries...
7. Miksi valita meidät?
Vuonna 2012 perustettu GTG Group on riippumaton ISO/IEC 17025 -akkreditoitu tuotetestaus- ja sertifiointipalveluiden tarjoaja Kiinassa, joka tarjoaa kattavia testaus- ja viranomaissertifikaatteja saadakseen palveluita laajalle valikoimalle tuotteita. Tavoitteemme on sertifioida tuotteesi ja varmistaa, että ne ovat säännösten mukaisia auttaaksemme sinua pääsemään maailmanlaajuisille markkinoille.