1. Wireless earphone
Wireless earphone is a device that allows you to listen to audio or make calls without wires or cables. There are three common types of wireless earphones: Bluetooth, infrared and RF (radio frequency).

Wireless Headphones
TWS Earbuds
2. Preparing for global market access
We provide full compliance testing for prototype or finished electrical/electronic products, and also obtain regulatory certifications recognized both domestically and internationally. Our goal is to certify your products and ensure their compliance with regulatory standards in order to help you access worldwide markets.
- CB Certification;
- IEC Certification;
- IPv6認証;
- …
- FCC Certification;
- UL Certification;
- ETL Certification;
- CITA Certification;
- …
- CE Certification;
- CE EMC Certification;
- CE RED Certification;
- CE LVD Certification;
- …
- CCC Certification;
- SRRC Certification;
- CQC Certification;
- NCC Certification;
- BSMI Certification;
- OFCA認証;
- …
- ISED Certification;
- ICES認証;
- NRCan Certification;
- CSA Certification;
- …
- PSE Certification;
- TELEC Certification;
- MIC 認定;
- VCCI Certification;
- METI Filing;
- …
- KC Certification;
- KCC Certification;
- MEPS Certification;
- …
- NOM Certification;
- IFETEL 認証;
- …
- UKCA Certification;
- …
- BIS Certification;
- WPC Certification;
- TEC Certification;
- …
- RCM Certification;
- SAA Certification;
- …
- ICASA 認定;
- SABS CoC Certification;
- …
- NBTC 認証;
- TISI Certification;
- …
- FAC認証;
- FSS認証;
- …
- ENACOM 認証;
- …
- ANATEL Certification;
- …
3. EMC testing capabilities, testing standards, lab configurations
- 伝導性放射 (CE) 試験。
- 10m の放射エミッション (RE) テスト。
- 3m の放射エミッション (RE) テスト。
- 免疫試験を実施。
- 放射性免疫試験;
- 静電気放電 (ESD) テスト。
- 電気的高速過渡現象 (EFT) テスト。
- 電圧低下および停電テスト。
- 磁界耐性試験;
- サージ試験;
- 高調波およびフリッカーテスト。
- …
- IEC: IEEE standard;
- European: ETSI EN 300 220; ETSI EN 300 440; ETSI EN 300 328; ETSI EN 301 357; ETSI EN 301 511; ETSI EN 301 489;
- America: FCC Part 15C; RSS-210; RSS-310;
- Australia: AS/NZS 4268; AS/CA S042.1; AS/CA S042.2; AS/CA S042.3; AS/CA S042.4;
- China: MIIT 2021 No. 129; MIIT 2002 No. 353; MIIT 2002 No. 277; MIIT 2005 No. 423; MIIT 2009 No. 137; YD/T1214-2006; YD/T15-2006;
- Korea: Radio Waves Act;
- Japan: Radio Regulatory Commission Regulations No. 18;
- …
- Conducted emissions (CE): three-phase 380V/200A;
- 3m radiated emissions (RE): single-phrase/three-phase 32A;
- 10m radiated emissions (RE): three-phase 380V/200A, DC 1000V/200A;
- Conducted immunity fieldstrength: 15 V/m;
- Radiated immunity fieldstrength: 20 V/m;
- ESD: ±30 kV;
- Surge: 8 kV;
- …
もっと見るには写真をクリックしてください!現地の私たちの研究室を訪問することに興味がある場合は、 短いフォームに記入してください、ホテルの手配やその他すべてを喜んで手配させていただきます。
4. RF testing capabilities, testing standards, covered frequency
- Transmitter tests;
- Output power;
- Transmit power control (TPC);
- 適応性。
- Adjacent channel leakage power ratio;
- Power spectral density;
- Spectrum emission mask;
- Occupied channel bandwidth;
- Frequency stability / error;
- Conducted band edge;
- Radiated band edge;
- Duty cycle;
- Modulation bandwidth;
- Transmitter unwanted emissions in the out-of-band or spurious domain;
- Receiver tests;
- 感度;
- Adjacent channel / Frequency band selectivity;
- Receiver spurious emissions;
- Receiver intermodulation;
- Receiver blocking;
- Antenna conducted spurious emission;
- …
- Europe: ETSI EN 300 220; ETSI EN 300 328; ETSI EN 300 330; ETSI EN 300 440; ETSI EN 301 357; ETSI EN 301 489; ETSI EN 301 511; ETSI EN 301 893; ETSI EN 303 417; ETSI EN 301 893-1/-2/-13;
- America: FCC Part 15C/15E; FCC Part 22/24/27; RSS 247/248/210/216/132/133/130/139/199;
- Australia: AS/NZS 4268; AS/CA S042.1; AS/CA S042.2; AS/CA S042.3; AS/CA S042.4;
- China: MIIT 2021 No. 129; MIIT 2002 No. 353; MIIT 2002 No. 277; MIIT 2005 No. 423; MIIT 2009 No. 137; YD/T1214-2006; YD/T15-2006;
- Korea: Korea: Radio Waves Act;
- Japan: Radio Regulatory Commission Regulations No. 18;
- …
- Bluetooth (BT/BLE);
- Short range wireless communication used in SRD, such as 433 MHz…;
- Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz;
- Wi-Fi 5 GHz, including dynamic frequency selection (DFS) radar;
- Wi-Fi 6E 8*8 MIMO (multiple-input and multiple-output);
- Wi-Fi 7 16*16 MIMO (multiple-input and multiple-output);
- Cellular frequencies: 2/3/4G SISO (single-input and single-output);
- …
もっと見るには写真をクリックしてください!現地の私たちの研究室を訪問することに興味がある場合は、 短いフォームに記入してください、ホテルの手配やその他すべてを喜んで手配させていただきます。
5. Safety testing standards
- 入力テスト;
- エネルギーの危険性。
- 動作電圧テスト;
- High voltage test (Dielectric withstand test / High potential or hipot test);
- 過負荷テスト。
- 放電試験;
- 接触電流テスト。
- 漏れ電流テスト;
- Limited current circuit test;
- 絶縁抵抗 (IR) テスト;
- 接地導通テスト;
- 恒温恒湿試験。
- 温度上昇試験;
- 安定性試験;
- ボール圧力テスト;
- 振動試験;
- 衝撃試験;
- 落下テスト;
- Cursh test;
- 金型応力除去試験;
- …
- IEC: IEC 62368-1;
- Europe: EN 62368-1;
- America: UL 62368-1;
- Australia: AS/NZS 62368.1;
- China: GB 4943;
- Korea: KC 62368-1;
- Japan: J62368-1;
- …
もっと見るには写真をクリックしてください!現地の私たちの研究室を訪問することに興味がある場合は、 短いフォームに記入してください、ホテルの手配やその他すべてを喜んで手配させていただきます。