Safety Testing Laboratory for Lighting Products

GTG Group safety testing laboratory for lighting products equipped with state-of-the-art testing equipment and can perform comprehensive safety, performance, mechanical and environmental testing.

1. Visit our safety testing labs in Dongguan, China

GTG Group safety testing laboratory for lighting products equipped with state-of-the-art testing equipment and can perform comprehensive safety, performance, mechanical and environmental testing.

2. More about the lab

It’s important to note that the list below is not exhaustive. Wanted to know if your product is within our testing scope? Please हमारा संक्षिप्त फॉर्म भरें, our expert will be glad to assist you further.

Light Source:

  • LED tube;
  • Fluorescent lamp;
  • LED bulb;

Fixed luminaires:

  • Ceiling lamp;
  • Wall lamp;
  • Wall washer;
  • Pendant light;
  • Frame lamp;
  • Bay light;
  • Track light;
  • Street light;

Recessed luminaires:

  • Downlight;
  • Panel light;
  • Spot light;
  • Underground lamp;
  • Underwater lamp;
  • Linear strip light;

Portable luminaires:

  • Table lamp;
  • Floor lamp;
  • Handlamp;


  • Floodlight;
  • Emergency lamp;
  • Night light;
  • Advertising light;
  • Mirror light;

LED Drivers:

  • Independent LED driver;
  • Built in LED driver;
  • Integrated LED driver;

LED Modules:

  • RGB LED module;
  • Full color LED module;
  • Single color LED module;
  • Dual color LED module;
  • Low voltage LED module;
  • High voltage LED module;
  • Drop test;
  • Vibration test;
  • IEC/TR 62778 blue light hazard;
  • IEC/EN 62471 photobiological safety;
  • Temperature test, ISTMT;
  • Labeling test;
  • Ground continuity test;
  • Leakage current test;
  • Humidity test;
  • Insulation resistance (IR) test;
  • Dielectric withstand test (Hipot test);
  • Fault test;
  • Creepage distance and clearance measurement;
  • Durability test;
  • Thermal test;
  • Ball pressure test;
  • Needle flame test;
  • Glow-wire test;
  • Leakage tracking test;
  • Stain relief test;
  • Interchangeability of lamp caps and holders;
  • Mechanical test;
  • Operating voltage test;
  • Tumbling barrel test;
  • स्थिरता परीक्षण;
  • Water resistance test;
  • Rain test;
  • Sprinkler test;
  • Wind load test for street lamps outdoors;

3. Testing standards we specialize in

Product Categoriesआईईसी मानक
प्रकाश उपकरणGeneral requirements for luminairesIEC 60598-1
Fixed general purpose luminairesIEC 60598-2-1
Recessed luminairesIEC 60598-2-2
Luminaries for road and street lightingIEC 60598-2-3
Portable general purpose luminairesIEC 60598-2-4
FloodlightsIEC 60598-2-5
HandlampsIEC 60598-2-8
Portable luminaires for childrenIEC 60598-2-10
Aquarium luminairesIEC 60598-2-11
Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlightsIEC 60598-2-12
Ground recessed luminairesIEC 60598-2-13
Luminaires for stage, television, film and photographic studioIEC 60598-2-17
Lighting chainsIEC 60598-2-20
Rope lightsIEC 60598-2-21
Luminaires for emergency lightingIEC 60598-2-22
ControlgearGeneral and safety requirements for lamp controlgearIEC 61347-1
Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modulesIEC 61347-2-13
Light SourceSafety and interchangeability requirements for self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 VIEC 62560
Safety and interchangeability requirements for double-capped LED lampsIEC 62776
ModulesGeneral and safety requirements for LED modulesIEC 62031
Product Categories Europe Standard
प्रकाश उपकरण General requirements for luminaires EN 60598-1
Fixed general purpose luminaires EN 60598-2-1
Recessed luminaires EN 60598-2-2
Luminaries for road and street lighting EN 60598-2-3
Portable general purpose luminaires EN 60598-2-4
Floodlights EN 60598-2-5
Handlamps EN 60598-2-8
Portable luminaires for children EN 60598-2-10
Aquarium luminaires EN 60598-2-11
Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights EN 60598-2-12
Ground recessed luminaires EN 60598-2-13
Luminaires for stage, television, film and photographic studio EN 60598-2-17
Lighting chains EN 60598-2-20
Rope lights EN 60598-2-21
Luminaires for emergency lighting EN 60598-2-22
Controlgear General and safety requirements for lamp controlgear EN 61347-1
Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules EN 61347-2-13
Light Source Safety and interchangeability requirements for self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V EN 62560
Safety and interchangeability requirements for double-capped LED lamps EN 62776
Modules General and safety requirements for LED modules EN 62031
Product Categories United States Standard
प्रकाश उपकरण General requirements for luminaires UL 1598
Fixed general purpose luminaires UL 1598
Recessed luminaires UL 1598
Luminaries for road and street lighting UL 1598
Portable general purpose luminaires UL 153
Floodlights UL 153
Handlamps UL 153
Portable luminaires for children UL 153
Aquarium luminaires _
Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights UL 1786
Ground recessed luminaires UL 1598
Luminaires for stage, television, film and photographic studio UL 1573
Lighting chains UL 588, UL 2108
Rope lights UL 588, UL 2108
Luminaires for emergency lighting UL 924
Controlgear General and safety requirements for lamp controlgear UL 8750
Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules UL 8750
Light Source Safety and interchangeability requirements for self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V UL 1993
Safety and interchangeability requirements for double-capped LED lamps UL 1993
Modules General and safety requirements for LED modules UL 8750
Product Categories ऑस्ट्रेलिया मानक
प्रकाश उपकरण General requirements for luminaires AN/NZS 60598.1
Fixed general purpose luminaires AN/NZS 60598.2.1
Recessed luminaires AN/NZS 60598.2.2
Luminaries for road and street lighting AN/NZS 60598.2.3
Portable general purpose luminaires AN/NZS 60598.2.4
Floodlights AN/NZS 60598.2.5
Handlamps AN/NZS 60598.2.8
Portable luminaires for children AN/NZS 60598.2.10
Aquarium luminaires IEC 60598-2-11
Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights AN/NZS 60598.2.12
Ground recessed luminaires IEC 60598-2-13
Luminaires for stage, television, film and photographic studio AN/NZS 60598.2.17
Lighting chains AN/NZS 60598.2.20
Rope lights AN/NZS 60598.2.21
Luminaires for emergency lighting AN/NZS 60598.2.22
Controlgear General and safety requirements for lamp controlgear AS/NZS 61347.1
Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules AS 61347.2.13
Light Source Safety and interchangeability requirements for self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V AS/NZS 62560
Safety and interchangeability requirements for double-capped LED lamps AS/NZS 60598.2.1
Modules General and safety requirements for LED modules IEC 62031
Product Categories दक्षिण कोरिया मानक
प्रकाश उपकरण General requirements for luminaires KC 60598-1
Fixed general purpose luminaires KC 60598-2-1
Recessed luminaires KC 60598-2-2
Luminaries for road and street lighting KC 60598-2-3
Portable general purpose luminaires KC 60598-2-4
Floodlights KC 60598-2-5
Handlamps KC 60598-2-8
Portable luminaires for children KC 60598-2-10
Aquarium luminaires KC 60598-2-11
Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights KC 60598-2-12
Ground recessed luminaires KC 60598-2-13
Luminaires for stage, television, film and photographic studio KC 60598-2-17
Lighting chains KC 60598-2-20
Rope lights KC 60598-2-21
Luminaires for emergency lighting KC 60598-2-22
Controlgear General and safety requirements for lamp controlgear KC 61347.1
Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules KC 61347.2.13
Light Source Safety and interchangeability requirements for self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V KC 62560
Safety and interchangeability requirements for double-capped LED lamps KC 62776
Modules General and safety requirements for LED modules KC 62031
Product Categories जापान मानक
प्रकाश उपकरण General requirements for luminaires J60598-1
Fixed general purpose luminaires J60598-2-1
Recessed luminaires J60598-2-2
Luminaries for road and street lighting J60598-2-3
Portable general purpose luminaires J60598-2-4
Floodlights J60598-2-5
Handlamps J60598-2-8
Portable luminaires for children IEC 60598-2-10
Aquarium luminaires J60598-2-11
Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights J60598-2-12
Ground recessed luminaires J60598-2-13
Luminaires for stage, television, film and photographic studio J60598-2-17
Lighting chains J60598-2-20
Rope lights J60598-2-21
Luminaires for emergency lighting J60598-2-22
Controlgear General and safety requirements for lamp controlgear J61347-1
Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modules J61347.2.13
Light Source Safety and interchangeability requirements for self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 V J62560
Safety and interchangeability requirements for double-capped LED lamps IEC 62776
Modules General and safety requirements for LED modules IEC 62031
Product Categoriesचीन मानक
प्रकाश उपकरणGeneral requirements for luminairesGB 7000.1
Fixed general purpose luminairesGB 7000.201
Recessed luminairesGB 7000.202
Luminaries for road and street lightingGB 7000.203
Portable general purpose luminairesGB 7000.204
FloodlightsGB 7000.7
HandlampsGB 7000.208
Portable luminaires for childrenGB 7000.4
Aquarium luminairesGB 7000.211
Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlightsGB 7000.212
Ground recessed luminairesGB 7000.213
Luminaires for stage, television, film and photographic studioGB 7000.217
Lighting chainsIEC 60598-2-20
Rope lightsIEC 60598-2-21
Luminaires for emergency lightingGB 7000.2
ControlgearGeneral and safety requirements for lamp controlgearGB 19510.1
Particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED modulesGB 19510.14
Light SourceSafety and interchangeability requirements for self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services by voltage > 50 VGB 24906
Safety and interchangeability requirements for double-capped LED lampsCQC 1106
ModulesGeneral and safety requirements for LED modulesGB 24819
अधिक देखने के लिए चित्रों पर क्लिक करें! यदि आप साइट पर हमारी प्रयोगशालाओं का दौरा करने में रुचि रखते हैं, तो कृपया हमारा संक्षिप्त फॉर्म भरें, हमें होटल और हर चीज़ की व्यवस्था करने में खुशी होगी!

4. One-stop solution

By working with GTG Group, you will enjoy the convenience of completing all of your tests (EMC, RF, wireless, safety, energy efficiency, environmental, durability, performance, chemical and other tests) and receive certification for your product from a single accredited lab. You will also eliminate the headaches of using multiple labs, delays in logistics, and shipping costs. Contact us today!

निःशुल्क कोटेशन पाने के लिए तैयार हैं?

हम अपनी परीक्षण और प्रमाणन सेवाओं के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धी मूल्य निर्धारण प्रदान करते हैं। और हमारी टीम किसी भी सामान्य पूछताछ, या अनुपालन परीक्षण/प्रमाणन के संबंध में तकनीकी चर्चा के लिए हमेशा उपलब्ध है। हमारा संक्षिप्त फॉर्म भरकर जीटीजी ग्रुप विशेषज्ञ से बात करें।
सहायता चाहिए या कोई प्रश्न?

क्या आपके पास मानकों की व्याख्या, मानकों की प्रयोज्यता, या देश-विशिष्ट आवश्यकताओं के संदर्भ में उत्पाद परीक्षण और प्रमाणन के बारे में प्रश्न हैं?

निश्चित नहीं हैं कि आपके उत्पाद पर कौन से मानक या मानक लागू होते हैं? चलो बात करते हैं! हमारे विशेषज्ञ 24*7 कॉल पर हैं।


हमारे व्यापक परीक्षण दायरे, हमारे द्वारा कवर किए गए मानकों को देखें और हमारी पूर्ण मान्यता यहां देखें।

निःशुल्क कोटेशन पाने के लिए तैयार हैं?

हम अपनी परीक्षण और प्रमाणन सेवाओं के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धी मूल्य निर्धारण की पेशकश करते हैं। और हमारी टीम किसी भी सामान्य पूछताछ, या अनुपालन परीक्षण/प्रमाणन के संबंध में तकनीकी चर्चा के लिए हमेशा उपलब्ध है।

हमारी टीम से बात करने के लिए 0086-18188898539 पर हमसे संपर्क करें, या नीचे हमारा संक्षिप्त फॉर्म भरकर निःशुल्क कोटेशन का अनुरोध करें।
मिनटों में निःशुल्क उद्धरण प्राप्त करें!

जीटीजी ग्रुप ने 13 वर्षों में अंतरराष्ट्रीय अनुमोदन के साथ हजारों संगठनों को वैश्विक बाजारों तक पहुंचने में मदद की है!

© 2012-2024 जीटीजी ग्रुप। सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित।

© 2012-2024 जीटीजी ग्रुप। सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित।