1. SABS EMC CoC certification
The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) announced the launch of an additional SABS EMC Certificate of Compliance (CoC) scheme on November 1, 2022. Previously SABS only offered EMC CoCs to manufacturers who tested their products at SABs affiliated laboratories. Starting November 1, 2022, manufacturers have the option to use laboratories accredited by the International Laboratories Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) for SABS EMC CoCs.
3. More about SABS EMC CoC certification
There are two types of applications for the SABS EMC CoC certificate:
- The first type of application is to obtain the test report issued by an authorized and SABS-affiliated laboratories (SABS A-Labs) to apply for the SABS EMC CoC certificate;
- The second type of application is to obtain the test report issued by a ILAC accredited laboratory to apply for the SABS EMC CoC certificate.
SABS EMC CoC covers a wide range of electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, televisions, radios, and many more. Any electronic device that emits electromagnetic radiation must comply with electromagnetic compatibility regulations.
Not sure if your product requires SABS EMC CoC certification? Please remplissez notre court formulaire, notre expert se fera un plaisir de vous aider davantage.
Below are the general application steps for achieving SABS EMC CoC certificate. Have questions or not sure where to start? Please remplissez notre court formulaire, notre expert se fera un plaisir de vous aider davantage.
- Fill out the application form and send the user manual of the product to us;
- Émettre un devis : notre ingénieur évaluera la norme applicable, le temps de test requis et le coût ;
- Régler le paiement ;
- Envoyez le(s) échantillon(s) test(s) à notre laboratoire ;
- Perform tests: the laboratory will carry out a full set of tests according to the relevant testing standards;
- Issue the EMC test report and apply for SABS EMC CoC certificate;
- SABS EMC CoC certificate will be issued if approved.
SABS EMC CoC certificate is valid for 3 years.
4. Prix et délai
You will never pay for services that you don’t need! GTG Group provides a customized quote which are tailored to each client's needs and budget. Furthermore, you will receive SABS EMC CoC certificate within 6 to 12 weeks according to our past successful records.
Cependant, le coût et le délai de test et de certification varient en fonction de la complexité du produit et des exigences en matière de test. GTG Group propose une consultation gratuite pour évaluer vos besoins et vous fournir des conseils sur la façon de démarrer en matière de conformité. Contactez-nous aujourd'hui par en remplissant notre court formulaire!
5. Inspection en usine
SABS EMC CoC certificate does not require factory inspection.
6. Pourquoi nous choisir ?
Fondé en 2012, GTG Group est un fournisseur indépendant de services de test et de certification de produits accrédité ISO/IEC 17025 en Chine, fournissant des tests complets et des certifications réglementaires obtenant des services pour une large gamme de produits. Notre objectif est de certifier vos produits et d’assurer leur conformité aux normes réglementaires afin de vous aider à accéder aux marchés mondiaux.