The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), a global authority on electronic standards, has appointed Dr. Teruo Onishi as the leader of IEC Technical Committee (TC) 106, responsible for establishing testing standards for electromagnetic emissions.

Dr. Onishi succeeded Mike Wood at the close of last month and will serve in this role until May 2030. He presently holds the position of Research Manager at the EMC Laboratory within the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Tokyo, Japan, following stints at telecommunications firms such as Nippon Ericsson and NTT DOCOMO.

Holding a PhD, Onishi has served as a visiting professor at Tohoku University and Nagoya Institute of Technology. His extensive background includes research on EM frequency exposure evaluation and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) with medical equipment. Recognized as a foremost authority in these areas, Onishi has authored more than 40 peer-reviewed papers and delivered numerous presentations at international conferences.

The IEC highlighted Onishi’s over two-decade involvement in both national and international standardization initiatives, focusing on exposure assessment for mobile devices and wireless power transmission. He has spearheaded standardization projects within TC 106 for several key publications, such as IEC PAS 63083, IEC TR 62905, IEC PAS 63184, IEC/IEEE 63195-1, and IEC TR 63377. Since 2015, Onishi has acted as the Convener for one of TC 106’s working groups and was honored with the IEC 1906 Award in 2017.

Additionally, IEC mentioned Onishi’s expertise in the International Telecommunications Union standardization sector (ITU-T) and his leadership roles within the Department of Information and Communications Technology at the Information and Technology Council.

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