1. TUV certification
TUV certification is a globally recognized certification that indicates a product's compliance with safety and quality standards.
2. More about TUV certification
- Consumer & retail products;
- Healthcare & medical devices;
- Power & energy products;
- Communication products;
- Information technology (IT) products;
- …
Not sure if your product requires TUV certification? Please Llene nuestro breve formulario, nuestro experto estará encantado de ayudarle.
Los elementos de prueba varían según los productos. Para elementos de prueba de seguridad en productos específicos, por favor Llene nuestro breve formulario, our expert will be glad to assist you further. Below are some of typical testing items for TUV certification:
- Working voltage;
- prueba de fallas;
- Prueba de impacto;
- Prueba de vibración;
- Prueba de choque;
- Flammability test;
- Plug test;
- Protection connection conductor resistance;
- Power cord stress relief test;
- Electrical connection and fixed connection test;
- Leakage test;
- Accessibility test;
- Energy hazard check;
- Prueba de fuente de energía limitada (LPS);
- Safety interlock device test
- Printed circuit board test;
- Power supply protective cover;
- Encapsulation and sealing parts test;
- Resistance to external force test;
- Electrical equipment in (on) buildings;
- Electric shock test;
- Dielectric strength test;
- Labeling inspection and test;
- Radiation test;
- Temperature rise Test;
- SELV test;
- TNV test;
- Limited current circuit (LCC) test;
- Overload Test;
- Manual device test;
- Battery explosion proof test;
- Overflow test;
- Electrical clearance, creepage distance and insulation penetration distance;
- External wire terminals;
- …
La documentación requerida varía según los productos. Para obtener la documentación detallada requerida sobre un producto específico, por favor Llene nuestro breve formulario, our expert will be glad to assist you further. Below are some of typical required documentation for TUV certification:
- Company business license;
- SOP for IPQC;
- Inspection report of finished product;
- A list of testing equipment under the IEC standard;
- Korean product certification and label. (Not required for initial review);
- Inspection records of testing equipment;
- Customer complaint handling procedures and complaint handling records;
- Internal audit records of quality system;
- Certification change control program;
- …
3. Inspección de fábrica
Factory inspection is required before issuing TUV certificate:
- Organization chart of the company (including quality control department);
- Quality assurance system;
- Flow chart of operation (from purchasing to shipment and receiving payment);
- Incoming material inspection flow chart and related documents, including incoming material inspection sheet, return sheet, inspection report, cooperative factory history records, cooperative factory evaluation form, cooperative factory quality abnormality contact form, special purchase application form, warehouse inventory list, inventory control card, daily purchase report;
- Incoming inspection standards, sampling standards, AQL levels, inspection methods (especially for critical parts and critical dimensions) and records; stacking and labeling of products to be inspected, qualified products and waste products;
- First/last product inspection: items, standards, defect classification, time, records, disposal program;
- Production process inspection flow chart and related documents: items, standards, defect classification, time, inspection results, records, evaluation, disposal program, signature;
- SOP, critical operational inspection, product improvement process;
- IPQC items, standards, defect classification, time, records, disposal program;
- Finished product/package inspection items, standards, defect classification, time, records, disposal program;
- 100% safety inspection;
- Warehousing inspection items, standards, SOP, defect classification, time, records, disposal program;
- Warehouse parts stacked separately and labeled normally;
- The process of receiving and sending materials;
- Storage conditions: temperature, humidity and space;
- Delivery inspection;
- Employee and inspector training records;
- Material receipt, storage management, delivery orders, scrap sheet, return sheet, inventory sheet;
- Division of semi-finished products, finished products and defective products in production line;
- Measurement instruments inspection ledger and certificate;
- Functional inspection of measuring instruments;
- Periodic inspection records of equipment;
- Documents of certification product consistency change procedure;
- Nonconforming product handling procedures;
- …
4. Precio y plazo de entrega
You will never pay for services that you don’t need! GTG Group provides a customized quote which are tailored to each client's needs and budget. Furthermore, we can expedite the certification process by leveraging modern technologies that ensure you receive the TUV certificate in a reasonably short time frame, faster than the average industry time.
Sin embargo, el costo y el tiempo de ejecución de las pruebas y la certificación varían según la complejidad del producto y los requisitos de las pruebas. GTG Group ofrece consultas gratuitas para evaluar sus necesidades y brindarle asesoramiento sobre cómo comenzar con el cumplimiento. Contáctenos hoy por llenando nuestro breve formulario!
5. TUV accreditation documents
Cuando elige GTG Group para realizar pruebas y certificaciones, puede estar seguro de que está trabajando con un socio confiable y confiable.
Our laboratory is recognized by TUV. This means we're authorized to perform tests and the test data are accepted by TUV. Testing scope we specialize in: information technology (IT) products, audiovisual (AV) products, wireless products, lighting products, power supplies, electric personal transportation vehicles, batteries, small home appliances...
6. ¿Por qué elegirnos?
Fundado en 2012, GTG Group es un proveedor independiente de servicios de certificación y pruebas de productos acreditado por ISO/IEC 17025 en China, que brinda pruebas integrales y certificaciones regulatorias para obtener servicios para una amplia gama de productos. Nuestro objetivo es certificar sus productos y garantizar su cumplimiento con los estándares regulatorios para ayudarlo a acceder a los mercados mundiales.