1. CSA certification
The CSA (Canadian Standards Association) is a non-profit organization that provides certification and testing services to ensure that products and processes meet certain safety and performance standards.
2. CSA certification mark

3. More about CSA certification
Hieronder vindt u een lijst met veiligheidstestnormen waartoe wij in staat zijn. En ons team is altijd beschikbaar voor algemene vragen of technische discussies over de volgende veiligheidstestnormen. Weet u niet zeker welke norm van toepassing is op uw product? Alsjeblieft vul ons korte formulier in, onze expert helpt u graag verder.
- Information Technology (IT) Products/Audiovisual (AV) Products: CSA-C22.2 No.62368-1;
- Household Appliance: CSA-C22.2 No.60335-1;
- Medical Products: CSA-C22.2 No.60601-1.
GTG Group begeleidt klanten bij elke stap van het testproces. Vul ons korte formulier in en profiteer vandaag nog van onze diepgaande branche-expertise en uitgebreide technische kennis om het proces te versnellen!
De vereiste documentatie varieert afhankelijk van de producten. Voor gedetailleerde vereiste documentatie over een specifiek product kunt u terecht vul ons korte formulier in, our expert will be glad to assist you further. Below are some of typical required documentation for CSA certificate:
- Company profile;
- A copy of business license;
- Product pictures;
- Product description: including product name, model number, product application;
- Parts list: including name, model number, rating, and manufacturer information. If the part is CSA or UL certified, please indicate the file number of the part. If there is more than one supplier for a particular part, please provide them together;
- Product specifications: including dimensions, rated voltage, rated current, frequency, power;
- Structural drawings or exploded drawings: the name of each part in the drawings shall correspond to the parts list;
- schakelschema;
- PCB -lay -out;
- Instructions for use and installation;
- Safety precautions;
- …
Below are the general application steps for achieving CSA certificate. Have questions or not sure where to start? Please vul ons korte formulier in, onze expert helpt u graag verder.
- Submit the preliminary application form, product user manual and technical data (including all electrical components and plastic materials) to CSA International;
- CSA International will evaluate the cost of certification and notify the applicant company by fax;
- After confirmation by the applicant company, the formal application form and notification will be sent;
- The designated laboratory will perform the tests and proceed the certification process;
- After the test is completed, a preliminary test report will be issued to the applicant company for acceptance;
- If accepted, CSA International will then prepare a certification report that will be used as a reference for production and follow-up inspection;
- At this stage, CSA International, in some cases, will perform an initial factory assessment at the factory;
- CSA International will issue a certificate of conformity along with the audit record authorizing the applicant company to add CSA certification mark to its products;
- The applicant company signs a service agreement with CSA International, indicating both parties agree CSA International to conduct product follow-up inspections at the factory. The applicant company has to pay an annual fee to maintain the agreement.
4. Fabrieksinspectie
Annual factory inspection is required.
5. Prijs en levertijd
You will never pay for services that you don’t need! GTG Group provides a customized quote which are tailored to each client's needs and budget. Furthermore, we can expedite the certification process by leveraging modern technologies that ensure you receive the CSA certification in a reasonably short time frame, faster than the average industry time.
De kosten en de doorlooptijd van testen en certificering variëren echter afhankelijk van de productcomplexiteit en de testvereisten. GTG Group biedt gratis advies om uw behoeften te beoordelen en advies te geven over hoe u aan de slag kunt gaan met compliance. Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op via ons korte formulier invullen!
6. Waarom voor ons kiezen?
GTG Group, opgericht in 2012, is een onafhankelijke, ISO/IEC 17025-geaccrediteerde aanbieder van producttest- en certificeringsdiensten in China, die uitgebreide test- en regelgevende certificeringen levert voor het verkrijgen van diensten voor een breed scala aan producten. Ons doel is om uw producten te certificeren en ervoor te zorgen dat ze voldoen aan de wettelijke normen, zodat u toegang krijgt tot wereldwijde markten.