The FCC ID (Federal Communications Commission Identifier) is a unique identifier assigned by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to electronic devices. This identifier is used to identify and track electronic devices sold in the U.S. market, ensuring they comply with FCC’s electromagnetic compatibility and radiofrequency radiation standards.


The FCC ID typically consists of two parts:

  1. A code assigned by the FCC, usually a combination of three letters or digits.
  2. A code assigned by the device manufacturer, usually a combination of letters and digits.

For example, a typical FCC ID might be ‘ABC123456’, where ‘ABCis the code assigned by the FCC and ‘123456is the code assigned by the manufacturer.


The main purposes of the FCC ID include:

  • Ensuring the legal sale and use of devices in the United States.
  • Helping consumers and regulatory agencies identify and verify the compliance of devices.
  • Facilitating traceability and recall in case of device issues.

If you need to find the FCC ID for a specific device, it can usually be found in the device’s user manual, label, or on the device itself. Additionally, the FCC’s official website provides a database that allows users to search for detailed information and test reports of devices by their FCC ID.

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