Selecting the right EMC test lab is crucial for electronics design engineers and product developers. Making the wrong choice can lead to issues such as non-acceptance of test reports, incorrect testing and associated added rework, excessive test budgets, and other headaches that are usually associated with inefficient test and certification processes. The tips below aim to provide comprehensive insights into the key factors to consider when choosing a reliable EMC test lab, including accreditation, technical expertise, turnaround times for reports, technical expertise, cost, layout of the facilities, responsiveness to request for quotes, and thoroughness of quotes, etc.


Determine if you need an accredited EMC test lab, as requirements can vary by customer or regulatory standards. For instance, under the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Chapter I, Subchapter A, Part 2, Subpart J, Section 2.948, the FCC requires that equipment authorized under the certification procedure be tested at an FCC-recognized accredited testing laboratory with the appropriate scope of accreditation (meaning the tests you need performed are included on the lab’s scope of accreditation). For equipment authorized using the Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) procedure, it is not necessary to perform the testing at an FCC-recognized accredited testing laboratory, however, an accredited laboratory may be used if preferred. A list of FCC-recognized accredited testing laboratories is provided on the FCC website at:

FCC Accredited Test Firm Search

It is important to note that accreditation does not guarantee that a laboratory will be the perfect EMC test solution provider. Accreditation indicates that a lab has met certain standards, but it does not guarantee they are the best fit for your specific EMC testing needs.

Value-add services

Consider the additional services the test lab may offer that could save you time and money such as their ability to act as an FCC telecommunication certification body (TCB) for the U.S. or as a Notified Body for the European Union’s EMC Directive.

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If you plan to conduct other non-EMC tests, such as safety test, mechanical test, reliability test, environmental test, enclosure protection test (IP Code), salt spray test, etc. at the same facility instead of sending your device out to many laboratories, ensure the laboratory can perform these tests as proficiently as their EMC tests.

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Perform a common test

It might be a good idea to visit the test lab and perform a common test. Ask about their typical test report turnaround times. Good labs should be able to have a test report back to you in less than two weeks.

Qualified technical experts

Ensure the lab has experts who can diagnose and suggest design improvements if the product fails testing. Avoid labs with technicians who lack a thorough understanding of the tests.

Facility and equipment calibration

Look at their facilities and see if it is well-organized or cluttered. A cluttered environment may indicate they are disorganized, requiring extra effort to manage the testing process. Check equipment calibration certificates to ensure they are up-to-date and from accredited calibration service providers.

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Ask if the lab subcontracts any testing to other labs. Ensure you know all locations where tests will be conducted, especially if the lab performs other types of tests besides EMC.

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Customer complaints

Ask to see how they capture customer complaints and take a look at a few of them. See if they have implemented actions to correct any deficiencies. They should have a process for handling customer complaints.

Finally, if your equipment under test has unique power, size, filter, or other non-standard requirements, make sure the test lab can accommodate these unique needs. There is nothing worse than going through the entire quoting and scheduling process only to find out on the day of planned testing that the test lab does not have the correct accommodations to properly test your device.

By carefully considering these factors and conducting thorough due diligence, engineers can select an EMC test lab that aligns with their project’s needs, ensuring a smoother and more efficient testing and certification process.

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2012년에 설립된 GTG 그룹은 중국의 독립적인 ISO/IEC 17025 공인 제품 테스트 및 인증 서비스 제공업체로서 광범위한 제품에 대한 포괄적인 테스트 및 규제 인증 획득 서비스를 제공합니다. 우리의 목표는 귀사의 제품을 인증하고 규제 표준 준수를 보장하여 귀사가 전 세계 시장에 진출할 수 있도록 돕는 것입니다.

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By working with GTG Group, you will enjoy the convenience of completing all of your tests (safety, EMC, RF, wireless, energy efficiency, environmental, durability, performance, chemical and other tests) and receive certification for your product from a single accredited lab. You will also eliminate the headaches of using multiple labs, delays in logistics, and shipping costs. Interested in learning more? Please 간단한 양식을 작성해 주세요, 당사 전문가가 기꺼이 추가 지원을 해드릴 것입니다.

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