
NRCan 认证

As an accredited testing laboratory, we’ve helped thousands of manufacturers complete energy efficiency testing for their products and achieve NRCan certification.

1. NRCan certification

NRCan Canada certification is a program run by the Canadian government’s Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). It is designed to help Canadians identify energy-efficient products and appliances that meet the highest standards of performance and quality. NRCan energy efficiency certification was made mandatory on April 12, 2012, and products within the scope of certification must be NRCan certified to enter the Canadian market.

4. More about CEC certification

Below is a list of products and energy efficiency testing standards we’re capable of. And our team is always available for any general inquiries, or technical discussions regarding the following products and energy efficiency testing standards. Not sure if your product requires CEC certification or which standard apply to your product? Please 填写我们的简短表格,我们的专家将很乐意为您提供进一步的帮助。

  • External Power Supply (EPS): CAN/CSA-C381.1-17 energy performance of external AC-DC and AC-AC power supplies;
  • Battery Charging Systems (BCS) & UPS: CAN/CSA-C381.2-17 energy performance of battery-charging systems and uninterruptible power supplies.

所需的文档因产品而异。有关特定产品所需的详细文档,请 填写我们的简短表格, our expert will be glad to assist you further. Below are some of typical required documentation for CEC certificate:

  • Full name of the product;
  • Model number, varieties or classification numbers;
  • Intended use of the product: e.g. home, office, factory
  • Parts list: a detailed list of parts and components including model number, rating, the name of the manufacturer. For insulating materials, please provide the name of the raw material;
  • Electrical properties: for electronic and electrical products, please provide the electrical schematic diagram (wiring diagram) and electrical properties table;
  • Structural drawings: the structural drawings or exploded drawings are required for most of the products;
  • Pictures of the product ;
  • Instructions for use and installation;
  • Safety precautions;
点击图片查看更多!如果您有兴趣参观我们的现场实验室,请 填写我们的简短表格,我们很乐意安排酒店和一切!

5. 价格和交货时间

You will never pay for services that you don’t need! GTG Group provides a customized quote which are tailored to each client's needs and budget. Furthermore, you will receive the NRCan certificate in 2-3 weeks according to our past successful records.

然而,测试和认证的成本和交付时间根据产品的复杂性和测试要求而有所不同。 GTG 集团提供免费咨询来评估您的需求并提供有关如何开始合规的建议。今天通过以下方式联系我们 填写我们的简短表格

6. Factory inspection

NRCan certification does not require factory inspection.

7. 为什么选择我们?

GTG集团成立于2012年,是中国一家独立的ISO/IEC 17025认可的产品测试和认证服务提供商,为多种产品提供全面的测试和监管认证获取服务。我们的目标是认证您的产品并确保其符合监管标准,以帮助您进入全球市场。

By working with GTG Group, you will enjoy the convenience of completing all of your tests (energy efficiency, safety, EMC, RF, wireless, reliability, durability, performance, environmental, chemical and other tests) and receive certification for your product from a single accredited lab. You will also eliminate the headaches of using multiple labs, delays in logistics, and shipping costs. 联系我们 今天!

与GTG集团合作最显着的优势之一是我们进行真实的测试并对最终用户负责。这是至关重要的,因为它可以避免风险并让使用这些产品的企业和个人安心。我们与一些世界领先的企业合作,我们的服务受到客户的高度评价。当您选择 GTG 集团进行测试和认证时,您可以确信自己正在与值得信赖且可靠的合作伙伴合作。

我们的测试和测试报告得到全球监管机构的认可和接受,确保您的产品符合必要的标准和法规。 GTG集团的子公司获得了当地和国际认证机构的认可,包括IECEE、UL、A2LA、NVLAP、ITS (Intertek)、KTC、TÜV、Eurofins、CNAS、CMA、CQC。我们的认证证明了我们致力于提供符合行业标准的高质量测试服务。检查所有认证文件 这一页

GTG Group accredited laboratory have more than 13 years of experience in energy efficiency for global market and have helped thousands of businesses achieve local certifications for both mandatory and voluntary. Experts we hired are all with deep industry expertise and extensive technical knowledge that can help you avoid common mistakes.

Our facilities are with enough space to perform every type of test separately and have room for all your equipment as well as plenty of workspace around it. GTG Group covers a testing area of 30,000 square meters and have more energy efficiency testing labs, safety testing labs, EMC testing labs, RF testing labs, wireless testing labs, reliability testing labs, durability testing labs, performance testing labs and environmental testing labs than our peers.



我们知道每种产品都是不同的,成本是产品开发的一个重要因素。 GTG 集团致力于在不影响质量的情况下提供价格实惠的测试解决方案。我们的专家团队将与您密切合作,了解您产品的具体需求,设计满足您要求并确保符合监管标准的测试解决方案。这意味着您可以获得所需的测试,而无需为不需要的服务付费,从而确保我们的客户始终物有所值。

点击图片查看更多!如果您有兴趣参观我们的现场实验室,请 填写我们的简短表格,我们很乐意安排酒店和一切!


我们为测试和认证服务提供有竞争力的价格。我们的团队随时可以解答有关合规性测试/认证的任何一般询问或技术讨论。填写我们的简短表格,与 GTG 集团专家交谈。


不确定哪些标准适用于您的产品?我们来谈谈吧!我们的专家 24*7 待命。





请致电 0086-18188898539 与我们的团队联系,或填写下面的简短表格索取免费报价。

13 年来,GTG 集团已帮助数千家组织进入全球市场并获得国际认可!

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© 2012-2024 GTG 集团。版权所有。